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Number Games to Get You Excited About Math

One of the best ways to get your child excited about math is to reward them for successfully solving puzzles. Based in Tucson, Arizona, AbZero features a cash prize contest for anyone 10 years of age and older. Our number games change weekly and offer registered players the chance to win between $10 and $100.

How Does AbZero Work?

AbZero is easy to play but challenging enough for the sharpest minds. Every Sunday, we update our website with three numbers. Your goal is to use any mathematical operations to make these numbers total 11 or a multiple of 11. The instructions are simple enough, but with three numbers chosen by our team, the contest can be a great critical thinking exercise.

What Do You Win?

In addition to being a fun way to practice your math skills, AbZero offers cash prizes for the first registered users to answer the weekly puzzles correctly. Our cash prizes range from $10 to $100 each week and are only available to registered players.


In order to officially play, you must register. By filling out our form and paying a $5 fee each month, you're able to play in four weekly challenges and potentially win big cash prizes.

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